
Durban ICC proactively uses events to effect change in South Africa

In an effort to effect change in South Africa, inspire future leaders and empower entrepreneurs, the Durban International Convention Centre (Durban ICC) will host the prestigious Durban ICC Leadership Summit featuring internationally acclaimed speaker and businessman Bishop TD Jakes on the 19th September 2019.

Durban ICC Chief Executive Officer Lindiwe Rakharebe said the Durban ICC was working hard to effect a fundamental change in communities through using the Centre to bring people together and engage on issues that promote nation building.

“As the first purpose-built international convention centre in South Africa, the Durban ICC has always been at the forefront of social change. Our Centre is more than merely a venue because we have seen the amazing impact events can have on society. The Durban ICC Leadership Summit featuring Bishop TD Jakes and many of our local leaders signifies the next phase of the Durban ICC’s evolution as Africa’s leading convention centre. The events and conferences the Durban ICC hosts aid in contributing to sustainability for local businesses, they promote dialogue and effect meaningful change in our communities,” said Rakharebe.

This cutting-edge Leadership Summit serves as a powerful catalyst to empower leaders across different levels, fuel collaboration across different organisations and introduce new strategies to help entrepreneurs succeed in business.

The inaugural Summit will create a platform for captains of industry, thought leaders from government and civil society, and religious leaders from various denominations to share best practice and develop solutions that will address the challenges we face as a country.

During the Summit, Bishop TD Jakes will also be imparting his business knowledge during a Masterclass themed: “Principles to succeed in business”, in which he would discuss developing business leaders, entrepreneurship, developing successful businesses and building sustainable ministries.

Speaking about the Masterclass, Bishop TD Jakes said: “Fellow business leaders I am excited to have this opportunity to be able to invite you to a very special conference in Durban. I want you to know that I am coming to be a part of Durban ICC on Thursday, September the 19th so that we can galvanise our strengths, discuss our opportunities, share international opportunities that exist between us and better utilise our resources to uplift our communities, and become more profitable, more effective and more consistent in business. You will not want to miss this opportunity, join me – I will be waiting for you.”

The Summit will feature an exciting line-up of diverse and prominent speakers who will be engaging on the following topics:

• Ethical leadership,
• Transgenerational leadership,
• Women in leadership,
• Progressive leadership, and
• Leading in difficult times.

Tickets for the event are available through Computicket and package prices range from R500 to R6900 per person.

Visit https://tickets.computicket.com/event/leadership_summit_ft_bishop_td_jakes/7106691


Issued by: The Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre (Durban ICC)

For more information contact: Durban ICC Corporate Affairs Manager Gugu Sisilana,

Tel: 031 360 1302 or Email: GuguSisilana@icc.co.za
